What is mainly music?
Young children and their caregivers enjoying music, rhyme, rhythm, creative dance and more.
Preschool children developing skills – co-ordination, fine motor skills, gross motor movements, social interaction, gaining an appreciation of music and musical styles, as well as language development.
Providing children with a structured environment and then a time of free play.
Bringing grown-up and child together for a time of safe interaction, and in doing so, teaching families some rhymes and songs that can be used at home to help with cleaning up, colours, counting, and more.
An opportunity for parents to network with other parents of preschool children. And for families to find a sense of ‘old fashioned community’.
Opportunities for families to be helped - practical needs such as meals, transport, help with shifting house, and babysitting.
Celebration of Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day - reminding parents that they are undertaking a very important role as parent.