Youth - MYF
Methodist Youth Fellowship
MYF is a Christian (Methodist) youth group where young people from ages of high school to early university gather together weekly to grow closer to Christ, meet new friends, support one another, and have fun!
We are part of the Camberwell Methodist Church in Melbourne (Australia), and we meet every Friday 7pm at church.
To find out more, please contact:
Joanna Fung 0422 969 019
Esther Liong 0402 350 003
Yew Fong Lim 0488 939 366

Young Adult - MYAF
Methodist Young Adult Fellowship
The Methodist Young Adult Fellowship (MYAF) is part of the Camberwell Methodist Church.
The fellowship consists of 3 groups:
- Hannah (meets fortnightly on Sunday)
- Seeds (meets weekly on Tuesday)
- Unite (meets weekly on Wednesday)
We also meet as men and women separately each month for outing and fellowship.
For more information on MYAF please contact:
Steven Yek 0422 324 632
Yew Fong Lim 0488 939 366
Michelle Ting 0433 232 322

Adult/Senior - MAF
Methodist Adult Fellowship
MAF is a group of families who hold the word of God in high honour, and strive to exemplify Christ in our lives and to pass on the gospel to our children.
We meet for Bible study and fellowship on the 2nd and 4th Saturday evening of every month, with a combined social event once a quarter. We place great weight on the importance of intentional parenting and meet together to discuss freely in an open and encouraging environment and to offer practical help based on our understanding of the scriptures and our own experience.
For more information contact
Julian Chai <julian.carolinechai@yahoo.com>
Michael Fung 0458 456 010